Robust everydayness

Mushrooms on toast. Mushrooms on toast. Mushrooms on toast! Or, as pictured, mushrooms and toast.
So that didn't work. Nothing I do, no matter how I say it, can make mushrooms on toast sound as though they are all that exciting. But boy, am I excited about them. In fact, they've been all I want to eat these days.
And so, after a too long absence that has me eager to bring you trays of chocolates and sweets, of cakes miles high and swathed in seven-minute frosting, in my way of saying I'm glad to see you, I'm here instead with a plate full of everydayness. But robust everdayness - toasted bread and a tumble of mushrooms, with their tawny edges tanned and glistening.
Though simple, they are far from plain and even farther from boring. From Jamie at Home, by Jamie Oliver, the mushrooms are meaty, substantial and all-around good stuff.
I made them the first time to share for a November lunch. The next day, I had them again for a solitary late-morning breakfast, free in my singularity to shamelessly drag my toast across the skillet in which the mushrooms had cooked, lest I miss an ounce of their liquor that was left behind.
That first time we ate them as is, piled on slices of grilled bread, and for the second time I perched a poached egg just so. Another time there were irregular chunks of creamy buffalo mozzarella cozied up on the plate.
Never you mind all of that though, to begin I think it best to go with this dish in its purest - straight up, nothing to get in the way of what we have going on here.
What that exactly is, is mushrooms with attitude. The first succulent bite had me sit up straighter and pull my chair an inch closer to the table.
Where I think the draw lies in this dish is in how the the mushrooms are cooked - everything's added in stages to gain the greatest advantage of their qualities. Into a pour of olive oil alone goes the mushrooms, then the garlic, chili and thyme. As they cook, their moisture is released, the aromatics open up and perfume the steam as it puffs from the pan. The liquid condenses soon enough and then it's time to feed in a knob or two of butter, which glosses all, adding richness and roundness. A few drops of lemon, then the transformative ingredient - water - to end. Yes, water.
It's the lynchpin to this whole business of mushrooms on toast, I'm telling you.
That splash of water bubbles up, picking up all the stickiness around the skillet and turning into a surprisingly creamy, absolutely rich gravy. You'll fight for your share. Pick a craggy bread with enough bumps and pockets to catch that sauce and collect it into luscious pools. That's the best way to go.
Since we're chums and catching up, I'll mention that today's toast, the one I'm crummy with right now, is with aged cheddar and chili pepper jam. That one we'll save for another chat. For now, get on those mushrooms.
Jamie Oliver's Ultimate Mushroom Brushchetta
From the book Jamie at Home (Hyperion, 2008).
Recipe here.

Reader Comments (43)
I can't imagine a better welcome back than a tumble of golden mushrooms, breathy with garlic.
I usually use sherry (or a bit of red wine) to whisker up all that caramelized goodness in the pan. But water! How simple. And chili? Well, I never...
Yet, anyway. It won't be long.
One of your rare and so-welcomed savoury posts. I hate mushrooms, but would anything you ever make me.
This read like the sexiest food-porn ever. I found myself holding my breath and biting my lip!
Those mushrooms look a. ma. zing. And topped with a poached egg? Dang.
Hooray! I'd go for this over something frosted right now (or on most occasions actually). Lemon!! Yum. That bread looks amazing too.
Haha! I was going to mention cheese, but I see you have added this already. Grilled bacon bits possibly? Unless you are vegetarian, of course.
Love mushrooms!!!!!!!
Mushrooms *are* everyday but only in the way an everyday cake is everyday - regular but such a pleasure, not humdrum. I make mushrooms on toast often too and I love how you have made something lyrical out of food that might be prose.
There is nothing boring about mushrooms and toast. Nothing. This looks gorgeous.
Oh I've missed you! xo
Yumm! Mushrooms on toast sounds so good right now!
Everyday is sometimes best. As we approach our most gluttonous holiday, I will be thinking often of these mushrooms. Maybe I should just cook up a big batch for the vegetarians at our Thanksgiving table. But then we would have to fight off the turkey eaters. So nice to have you back here! You are one of the brightest spots in the blog world.
I'm not sure sure about mushrooms and toast, but I am definitely going to bookmarking this recipe to make as a side. Gorgeous photos.
I have to admit - I'm totally excited about mushrooms and toast.
Looks delicious! I love Jamie Oliver's cooking philosophy! Fresh, fresh, and more fresh ingredients! This is such a lovely recipe!
Adore this post! The mushrooms sounds amazing, Jaime never disappoints! Recipe, photos and your writing are superb.
been wondering where you were...and realized that my RSS feeder thingie never transferred you over after you updated your site. DOH. I'm fixing that STAT.
today i was thinking about making a mushroom bruschetta with some taleggio on top for a appetizer post thanksgiving and look what I FIND HERE. Thank you!!! My decision has been made :)
Perhaps it doesn't sound terribly exciting, but it does sound terribly comforting and yummy for a chilly evening (or late morning!). And the picture, at the end of the day, is what has sold me. So good!
Yum mushrooms and bread sound simple and so delicious!
glad you are back :)
We make a similar dish in Italy, but it's layers of sliced potatoes, and mushroom, and garlic and parsley. S&P, of course. So comforting and delicious!
I stopped buying Jamie Oliver's cookbooks long ago, but your post featuring his mushroom-studded recipe might sway me toward at least taking a peak at Jamie At Home. Of course, your photo would work wonders for any recipe, no doubt.
hello everyone! how nice it is that humble mushrooms have been received so warmly - even by those who don't like them! and for the sweet words of welcome, it is my hope i'll be back around here much, much more often. thanks for sticking around!
Oh my goodness, now I won't be able to think about anything BUT this recipe for the rest of the day. This looks so savory and beautiful! I'd love this for dinner with a glass of red wine.
Anything to do with mushrooms are fine with me because they're awesome! Yours look so inviting I'll be making one for my breakfast tomorrow. Thanks! :)
Oh goodness this looks good! I love sweets like anyone this time of year, but I am still a savory girl at heart. Sounds perfect with the poached egg for dinner.
A fresh new dish for breakfast will definitely make us have a good head start! An additional poached egg would also complete this meal!