Cupcakery inspiration; Martha Stewart's Cupcakes giveaway

This photo was part of a series shot in January, the last time I baked cupcakes from Martha Stewart.
I have three (main) places I keep cookbooks.
There are those stored in the bookshelves that line our den (also where I keep my magazine back issues). I consider these the reference books, those that I turn to for a specific inspiration or if I am looking for a particular recipe. The top shelves are reserved for my most treasured-tomes, the coffee table styled works from authors I admire; they sit alongside the dog-eared, aged copies of cookbooks from my childhood and before.
The second is our dining room table, much to the chagrin of my dear husband. Our dining room is often the resting place of books in transit, those making their way from the kitchen back up to the den. I would be lying if I told you that books do not sometimes take up an extended residence on that table, or if I denied my errant desire to line that room with bookshelves as well.
The third cookbook habitat is our kitchen itself. Behind the closed doors of a built-in cabinet live those books I use most often. These are the books I feel lost without, the ones that best reflect the way I cook and the way we eat. The selection rotates now and again, with titles being promoted and demoted, but there are certain regulars that never lose their place.
I am not yet sure as to where Martha Stewart's Cupcakes will land up, but I'm aiming to find out. With William's first birthday next week (so big!) and celebrations planned, I will be turning to Ms. Stewart for cupcakery inspiration.
And here's the best part - you, my dear friends, will be able to partake in the fun. Below are links to the recipes from the book which are currently available online, so you can get out your muffin tins, cupcake liners and get to baking. But wait, there's more! Random House Canada has generously provided the booty for a contest to celebrate the book's launch. What's there to win? Hold on to your hats:
Grand prize: A copy of Martha Stewart's Cupcakes and a copy of Martha Stewart's Cookies (one to be awarded)
Secondary prize: A copy of Martha Stewart's Cupcakes (two to be awarded)
To enter, simply comment at the end of this post; maybe we can chat about our favourite cookbooks or cupcakes or cupcake memory - you decide. But leave your comment by midnight Wednesday, June 10, 2009 (EST), and please include both your email address if not signed in, and a note of your desire to enter (this way, non entrants can still join the chat). If you do not want to sign in, nor do you want to publish your email, please comment then email me at tara [at] sevenspoons [dot] net, with the name you used to comment.
The winner will be selected by at random, and announced the next day. One note, due to distribution regulations, this contest is only open to residents of Canada. My apologies to international readers (this might be a good time to ask your Canadian friends to do you a favour).
Good luck!
Psst. It got mentioned in the comments, so I'll add a note - here's my review of Martha Stewart's Cookies from way back.
Recipes from the book:
Red Velvet Cupcakes
Tiramisu Cupcakes
Mrs. Kostyra's Spice Cupcakes
German Chocolate Cupcakes
Snickerdoodle Cupcakes
Black Forest Cupcakes
Triple-Citrus Mini Pound Cakes
Lemon Meringue Cupcakes
Candied Hazelnut Cupcakes
Flourless Chocolate Cupcakes