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Entries in event (26)


Patriotic plates

It is frequently said that Canada, and by extension Canadians, have a bit of an identity crisis. As citizens of this post-colonial nation, with a diverse and scattered population, neighbours to a global superpower, our sense of selves seems in constant flux.

But don’t an ever-evolving cultural heritage belie our patriotism. Our commitment to multiculturalism, our languages, and even our relationship to our land speak of the pride we feel as Canadians.

A Canadian feast may include fresh seafood from the coasts, bison and beef from the prairies, soft fruit from Ontario, and maple syrup from Québec. Not to overlook the pierogies, curries, vinetarta, pizzas and bagels that reflect the varied faces of the Canadian landscape. It is this diversity that breathes Canada; and it is this culinary heritage that we will soon be celebrating.

In case you weren’t aware, a group of Canadian Food bloggers (myself included) will be participating in a Canada Day food blogging event, with the theme of “What does Canada taste like to you? “ For complete details and an introduction, please see the post by our lovely Domestic Goddess.

Please participate, the more the merrier. It is a great opportunity to celebrate our country and our online community, with very tasty dividends!

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